Of general interest

We all have the obstinacy of considering the work (of art (and what kind of skill is here meant?)) inside of some wider medium, be it human craftsmanship, the expression or activity of subjectivity, political action or communication... at any rate it must be a manifestation of culture. There is probably not another way to alienate oneself more from the signification of a work, whatever the things it can say to anybody. Because the main thing meant is the duality of levels, and what is produced is the level of its production together with that of its represented, it is representation in its precise ambiguity, it is a word. If we line the work up together with some other kinds of beings, we are depriving ourselves of its distance and "alterity" towards its content, towards a being. And, don't be mistaken, this way we are depriving ourselves of the sole distance towards beings in general. Please, don't think we have values, a culture, a sky and I don't know what else, of which the work of art is a representation or a representative: before the work we do not have a sky. Otherwise we will end to believe that we can have a presence and a knowledge of the world and of ourselves without ourselves, while the fact is that there is no world without this innocent but mortal razors edge.

1 comentario:

  1. Señor escritor, la primera parte abre problemas que hacia la mitad quedan olvidados para entrar en oscuras consideraciones sobre el cielo que parecen más una necesidad de hacer cuadrar esquemas heideggerianos que no un desarrollo coherente de lo anterior. En este sentido, hubiese sido muy deseable permanecer en la duplicidad de niveles y mostrar, por ejemplo, cómo ella es el único caso en que las cosas aparecen en su extrañeza, etc. Si llega al tema de las cosas en general y de su modo de aparecer, no se me vuelva hacia mundo y tal.
